09 02 2012..
it's my boyfriend birthday!
it's nicko's day!
iya.... tahun ini adalah serangkaian surpise yang gagal karena ketahuan pengen bikin surprise ...
oke , here we are..
start from these morning, I give him some gift to cover nothing will happen in the night..
in his car I said to him to closed his eyes until I said open.
yes, this is my first gift to him in this day, denimjckt.. I'm just afraid if its not fit to him and he'll don't like it at all..
when he open his eyes, *cat face* ogh!
he " can I open this ? "
me " It's up to you "
*he open the wrap paper*
he " aah, thank you dincei "
me " I'm afraid if you didn't like it "
he " I like it for sure "
me " sure? "
he " I'll wear it this day! "
*wear the jacket*
me " It's fit to your body ? "
he " It's too small "
me " hah? ??"
he " kidding, It's fit to me :D "
me " maaf ya no cake, no candle "
he " ah :") gapapa itu norak "
you know? I'm so happy if you like it and will wear it :"D
hampir 45 menit kita jadi ngebicarain surprise yang bakal gue kasih.........
kesel sih cuma yaudah lah ya....
he said ::
" yang penting aku tau niat nya, makasih ya yang. jangan bete lagi " *hug*
" aku malah males dikasih rame rame gitu, aku udah kepala 2, bukan anak SMA lagi. aku lebih suka kayak gini aja "
dia emang paling bisa bikin tenang, langsung meluk dan bilang
" gapapa kok aku kayak gini lebih seneng"
*ya walaupun tetep ada ketawa nyebelinnya itu*
ohya! ada 1 gift lagi buat dia, made by me ..
here it is...
(fotonya nyusul ya )
and some video from his friends..
thank you DSRP , DSRP2010, PATRA CT-20A , Nicko SHS friends.
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